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Lakes and Recreation Menu
Hunting at Waco Lake
2024 Hunting Information
Attention Hunters: Flatrock hunting area is closed for habitat restoration until further notice.
White-Tailed Deer Season
NO Permit is required to hunt white tail deer during the Archery Only Season at Waco Lake. All hunters must follow the below regulations and TPWD laws. Hunting is ONLY allowed in the designated Wildlife Management Areas (WMA).
Attention Hunters: The hunting permit drawing for white tail general season will be held at Airport Beach Park group pavilion on August 17, 2024 at 10am.Hunting during general firearm season at Waco Lake is by US Army Corps of Engineers permit only. A waiver of liability must also be completed for each hunter listed on the application. All applications and liability waivers must be filled out and turned in at the drawing. If you have any questions regarding the hunting program or permitting process, please contact Matthew Dutton at (254)756-5359 .
Applicants will choose hunting date and location based on a random draw process and receive permits at the drawing location. No substitutions may be made for the persons listed on the applications or on the hunt permits. No registered hunter may be listed on more than one application as a hunter or guest. All guest information must be completed prior to the submittal of the application. No guest may be added to your permit after the cutoff date and drawing.
Shotguns with slug ammunition and legal archery equipment (to include crossbows) are the only means and methods approved for the taking of deer with a Corps hunting permit. Hunters may utilize bait, however no feeders or other baiting equipment may be left unattended on federal property, unauthorized equipment will be confiscated. Any bait should be spread by hand. Pre-scouting prior to your hunt is not advisable, unless the scouting was done before the deer general firearm season. Hunters must carry required permit with them while hunting USACE property.
All permitted deer hunters, hunting during the general season, are required to submit their hunting surveys to the Waco Lake office within one month after the close of deer season. Anyone failing to fill out and return the animal harvest tag will be barred from entering their name in the following deer hunting permit draw. Annual bag limit: 1 legal Buck and 1 Doe, or 2 Doe, per hunter.
Hunting at Waco Lake
All TPWD rules and regulations must be followed. For information regarding hunting on Army Corps property, view the Fort Worth District Hunting Guide or call (254)756-5359.
For the Waco Lake Mobile Hunting Map, scan the QR code below with your smart phone.
Legal Game
Dove, squirrel, rabbits, feral hogs, waterfowl, and deer.Waterfowl Hunting
A Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers is not required to hunt waterfowl on Corps Property. Hunters are required to have their Federal Duck Stamp, and applicable licenses/endorsements from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. Please refer to the "Duck Line" on the North/South Hunting Maps listed above for permitted Waterfowl Hunting areas at Waco Lake.Season
As published in the Texas Outdoor Annual for McLennan county. Small game and feral hogs may be hunted anytime EXCEPT during any open deer season. .Crossbows
YesMuzzleloaders, Rifles, and Pistols
NoSpecial Conditions
- Only shotgun and archery equipment are allowed at Waco Lake based on federal and city ordinance.
- Tree stands are restricted to portable non-bark penetrating stands only and must be removed after each hunt.
- No trapping of game or furbearers.
- Based on management needs, a limited number of feral hog trapping permits may be available. Contact the Waco Lake Office for more information.
- No camping within wildlife management area (WMA) is permitted.
- Small game includes squirrel, rabbit, and feral hog. Small game permits are not required. Small game may be taken by shotgun (no buckshot) using shot size ranging between 2-8 or legal archery/crossbow equipment only. Feral hogs can be hunted using shotgun with slugs.
- All hunters, and anyone accompanying a hunter on Corps Property must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange while in the Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The hunter orange will include a minimum of 144 square inches on chest and back each, as well as hunter orange head wear of some type. Hunters are authorized to remove or cover their hunter orange once they are set in a hide or blind but must have it displayed while moving within the WMA.
- No hunting is permitted or permissible around Waco Wetlands; please see Waco Lake Map for details on location.
- Hunting blinds regardless of use must be completely removed from the land or water upon completion of each hunting day. All blinds must have the hunter’s name, date of installation, address, and phone number written legibly and placed at the entry point of the blind in a conspicuous location. If proper identification is not present, the structure may be impounded and/or removed.
- Hunting during the general (firearm) and special late White Tail Deer season is by Permit only. All permits are given out in the summer prior to the hunting season.
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