Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Volunteer Opportunities
Many improvements to the facilities within the Piney Woods Project have been made possible by volunteers that have unselfishly donated their time, skills and equipment to make each lake a more enjoyable place for present and future generations. A deep sense of gratitude is owed to these individuals by the staff within the Piney Woods and the general public as well. Each year, volunteer couples are recruited and placed within the parks in which they will work.These volunteers are provided a campsite with electricity, and water in exchange for 24 hours of work each week in the parks. Work tasks include, but are not limited to trail maintenance, repair of campground furniture, sign maintenance, and general park beautification.
Volunteers in the past have constructed trails and trailhead markers, installed wood duck and bat boxes, built and installed bird boxes, installed new grills and fire rings on camspites, conducted wildlife surveys, assisted with water samples, building pipe rail fence and gates, upgrading courtesy docks, installed and painted fences, conducted educational and intepretive programs, administrative duties, and provided visitor assistance. Anyone who has something to offer to our public lands is encouraged to be a volunteer.
Anyone interested in participating in the volunteer program at Wright Patman Lake can contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 64 Clear Springs Park, Texarkana, Texas 75501, by calling (903) 838-8781. For national volunteer openings, visit the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Volunteer Program Nationwide Volunteer Clearinghouse
web site or call the volunteer hotline at 1-800-vol-teer if interested in volunteer opportunities at other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects.
Current Opportunities Available: as of July 26, 2016: