Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Adjacent Landowner Information
Land which is owned in fee by the government consists of the land where Wright Patman Lake is located and surrounding property. The limits of this public land are defined by the U.S. Government boundary line, the corners of which are marked by concrete monuments. The boundary monuments are each topped with a bronze cap. Much of the boundary line has been cleared of woody vegetation, creating a lane 20-30 feet wide. Boundary line which has been surveyed recently is also marked by large yellow metal posts, usually labeled with small signs stating “U.S. Government Property Boundary Line”.
While private exclusive use of public land is not permitted, we do understand that property owners adjacent to public lands have the same rights and privileges as any other citizens. Therefore, the information contained in these guidelines is designed to acquaint the adjoining landowner and other interested parties with the types of property involved in the management of Wright Patman Lake.
As an adjacent landowner you MAY:
- Construct a fence to or along the Government boundary line.
- Have unlimited pedestrian, equestrian, or non-motorized vehicular access to public land, except those areas specifically restricted.
As an adjacent landowner, you MAY NOT:
- Use public lands for any type of private exclusive use or for commercial purposes.
- Place unattended personal property of any kind on public land.
- Construct buildings, roads, improved pathways, or any other facilities on public land.
- Restrict public access to public land verbally, by posting signs, or by any other method.
- Operate state-licensed motorized vehicles on public land, except on paved roadways and at authorized access points. All terrain vehicles (ATV’s) are prohibited on government-owned land at Wright Patman Lake, even on authorized roadways, except in two permit-only areas.
- Dispose of any type of garbage, debris, or other refuse on public land.
- Camp on public land, except in designated areas.
- Have fires on public land, except in authorized fire rings or grills.
- Gather fallen timber for firewood except for use on public lands without a permit. A free firewood permit is available at the Wright Patman Project Office that will authorize the collection of up to 5 cords of firewood for non-commercial use.
- Allow horses, cattle, or other livestock on public land, except by lease from the government or as otherwise permitted (recreational equestrian riding is an authorized use).
- Destroy, alter, or remove any facility, vegetation, natural or archaeological feature.