Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Title 36 CFR
The following rules and regulations, published in the Federal Register of September 3, 1985, govern the public use of water resources development projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Visitors are bound by these Title 36 regulations.
Metal Detectors
- The following guidance governs the use of metal detectors on Benbrook Lake, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resource project:
- The use of metal detectors will be allowed at Benbrook Lake in the developed park areas mowed and maintained by the Corps of Engineers.
- Nonidentifiable items, such as coins of nominal value (defined in paragraph C) that are found do not need to be deposited with the natural resource manager or a ranger. Identifiable items (rings, watches, etc...) or items of greater than the nominal value will be deposited with the natural resource manager or a ranger for disposition according to the Title 36 CFR Part 327.15 (Abandonment and Impoundment of Personal Property) and Part 327.16 (Lost and Found) and subsequent revisions. These revisions will include all lost and found articles, not just those found with aid of metal detectors.
- Nominal value is defined as less than $25.00.
- All historical, archaeological, or paleontological items found will be deposited with the natural resource manager or a ranger.
- Digging shall be limited to hand tools that can be used by one hand only, e.g. a hand trowel. Hand tools shall be limited to 4 inches wide and 12 inches long.
- All trash, litter or other debris uncovered must be removed and placed in an approved trash receptacle. All soil disturbed or displaced shall be returned to its original state.
- In all other areas, metal detectors will not be allowed without prior written permission from the District Engineer.
1. Pilots are responsible for knowing the rules and regulations pertaining to aircraft as set forth in Title 36, Chapter III, Part 327.4 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Copies are available from any Corps of Engineers Project Office.
2. Seaplanes may not be operated between sunset and sunrise. Where not specifically restricted or prohibited, recreational seaplane operations are allowed seven days a week.
3. Aircraft larger than 5,000 pounds gross weight are prohibited from landing without special permission from the District Engineer.
4. Commercial seaplane operations are prohibited unless authorized by the District Engineer. Commercial operations, if authorized, will be limited to the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, from November 1 to April 1.
5. Individual letter permits may be issued for seaplanes to operate in prohibited areas on a one-time-only basis.
6. The operation of a seaplane at Corps of Engineers lakes is at the risk of the plane's owner, operator and passenger(s). All lakes in the Fort Worth District are operated as flood control reservoirs resulting in widely fluctuating pool elevations. Pilots are encouraged to contact each lake project office for current pool elevation information. Addresses and phone numbers of each lake are listed in the attached Visitors Guide.
7. Where landings and takeoffs are not totally prohibited at a given lake, a minimum distance of 500 feet from shore or structures must be maintained during landings and takeoffs.
8. Landings and takeoffs prohibited in lake area south of abandoned pump station on east shore and in coves formed by East and West Dutch Branch Creeks. Click for Map
Special Events
Large activites not normally provided for with available recreation amenities, or those that will impact visitation to the lake, require a special event permit. If you feel your activity may require a permit, please contact the lake office at 817-292-2400, and speak with a ranger.
Special Events including, but not limited to water carnivals, boat regattas, fishing tournaments, music festivals, dramatic presentations, or other special recreation programs are prohibited unless written permission has been granted by the District Engineer.
Certain gudelines must be agreed to before a Special Event Permit can be issued. The guidelines are as follows:
a. The United States is not responsible for damages to property or injuries to persons which are incident to the event. No costs attributable to the event will accrue to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
b. The permittee is responsible for taking all necessary precautions to provide for the health and safety requirements of the participants and spectators.
c. The permittee will clean the grounds, remove equipment, and restore the permitted site by 12:00 p.m. of the day after the event.
d. The sale of goods, food, beverages or other such items on Government property can be authorized only in the absence of a concessionaire in the permitted site or his inability to supply the needs of the proposed activity.
e. The permittee is responsible for providing parking assistance and adequate policing for crowd supervision and control.
f. The permittee will not nail, staple, or otherwise attach any event-connected signs to any guardpost, signpost, utility pole or tree. If information or directional signs are needed for the event, the permittee will provide the signposts and will remove same by 12:00 p.m. of the day after the event.
g. Admission to the event will not be limited to membership nor will any discrimination be made against a person because of race, creed, sex, color, age, or national origin in conducting the event. Admission to view the event will be open to the general public without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or age. Participation in the event may be limited to members of the sponsoring group provided that the group does not unlawfully discriminate against participation in the event on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or age. Requests for special events permits citing Aspecial circumstances@ for participation requiring gender or age discrimination must be accompanied by exceedingly persuasive justification. This may be appropriate for activities such as contact sports and sports such as tennis, golf, or competitive swimming. Fishing tournaments do not qualify for discrimination based on gender.
h. Private use of Government lands will not preempt public use of all recreational resources.
i. The activity will be of limited duration, generally not more than eight hours in any one day and will not exceed two consecutive days.
j. The permittee will furnish a map showing the area where the special event is to be conducted.
k. The permittee will comply with all provisions of Part 327, Chapter III, Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Governing Public Use of Corps of Engineers Water Resources Development Projects.