Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu


Hunting at Benbrook Lake

Attention All Hunters

You may review the 2024-2025 Fort Worth District Hunting Guide by clicking here. Please review to learn the rules and requirements for hunting in the Fort Worth District and Benbrook Lake.

For the Benbrook Lake Mobile Hunting Map, scan the QR code below with your smart phone.

To access the Benbrook Lake Mobile Hunting Map on your computer, click HERE

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has depicted this spatial data as a representation of the various geographic information gathered from multiple sources. This data should be viewed only as a representation of the data, and should not be used for any other purpose. No guarantee is made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding the accuracy or completeness of the data or their suitability for a particular use.

Hunting Applications

The application period for the 2024-2025 fall hunt at Benbrook Lake is now CLOSED. Please click HERE for the list of winners!

Hunting areas were slightly modified in recent years. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the new map.

Hunters who won a hunting permit for the previous season but did not turn in a hunting survey at the end of their hunt may not be eligible for the following season at Benbrook Lake. Click Here for the hunter's survey report. Please submit photos of game and your hunting experience to the Lake's email . Please click HERE for the harvest results for the 2022/2023 hunt.

If you have any questions about Benbrook's hunting policies or application procedure, please contact us .


Areas: ACCESS TO THE HUNTING AREA FROM LONGHORN PARK IS PROHIBITED. HUNTERS MAY NOT CROSS SOUTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PROPERTY. Approximately 1,400 acres (958 acres land + approximately 400 acres of water surface) in Tarrant County are available for public hunting. Hunting is not the exclusive use of these areas. Some areas may be used by hikers, equestrian riders, bird watchers, etc.. so exercise caution. While much of the boundary is fenced and marked, some areas are not. It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with the area and the limits of public lands.Hunting on public land does not give any person the right to cross or enter private property and you could be charged with trespassing.

Permits: All hunters must obtain a permit each year. Permit periods will be concurrent with the Texas Parks and Wildlife hunting license renewal dates. This requirement applies to all hunters regardless of season or game hunted. Permit requires a valid state hunting license, hunter safety card, signed liability waiver, and identification (copy of driver's license). Hunters may register for a permit by sending a copy of the required documentation to: Benbrook Lake Office, 7001 Lakeside Dr. Ft. Worth, TX 76132. No applications via fax will be accepted. All permitted hunters will receive a permit card. Hunters must have this card on their person when hunting at Benbrook Lake. By accepting this card, hunters acknowledge receipt and understanding of hunting policy and applicable state laws. Hunting without a valid hunting permit may constitute state and federal penalties.

Lottery: A lottery will be drawn in August for each 2-week hunting period.  Deadline for the lottery is listed on the hunting application.  Each hunter may be limited to one win once during the season.  Permits will be mailed to all winners.  The list of winners will be posted at the project office.  Winners' names will not be given over the telephone.

Hunting Partners: Applicants may list the name, address, telephone number, of a partner on his/her application. The partner will automatically receive a permit if the primary hunter's name is drawn. Each applicant may enter his/her name only once in the lottery system. In other words, you and your partner should not both submit applications. If you plan to list a partner let the person know in advance so there are no duplicate entries. Duplicate entries will result in the name being removed from the lottery. Please note all hunters and partners must sign a liability waiver form and meet Hunter Education requirements.

Hunters Safety Course: All persons hunting on Corps managed land must have proof of completion of a State Hunter Safety Course if born on or after 2 September 1971. Certifications from other states or the U.S. military will be accepted. Concealed handgun permits do not satisfy this requirement. TPWD one-time safety certification waivers are honored.

Age Requirements: Children 12 to 17 years of age must be accompanied by an adult with a hunter’s safety certification and valid Texas hunting license. Children under 12 may accompany an adult, but are not allowed to hunt. Children 17 and under accompanying a permitted adult hunter do not need their own permit.

Blaze Orange: All hunters are required to wear a minimum of 400 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange above the waist (at least 144 square inches must be visible on both the chest and back) and some type of orange head wear when walking in a designated hunting area. Persons hunting turkey, waterfowl, or migratory birds may remove the orange outerwear when they reach their blind or immediate hunting area.

Means and Methods: Deer, hog, and turkey hunting is restricted to archery only. Shotguns are authorized for hunting other legal species. Anyone hunting with a shotgun may not use, or possess any shot larger than #2. The use of non-toxic USFW approved shot is required for waterfowl hunting. All weapons must be unloaded when transported to or from or between hunting sites. Target practice or the "sighting in" of any weapon is prohibited. Rifles, handguns, air rifles, and muzzleloaders are prohibited. Crossbows may be used per TPWD regulations.

Feeding / Baiting: Installation of feeders is prohibited. Hand scattering of corn or feed, and use of feed or mineral blocks are allowed. It is illegal to hunt migratory game birds in a baited area. Construction of feeder pens is prohibited.

Use of Calls: Calling devices (including manual and mouth operated), recordings, and electronically amplified calls may be used to hunt game animals and game birds, except electronic calls may not be used to hunt migratory game birds.

Artificial Light: Light of any form that casts or reflects a beam of light onto or otherwise illuminates a game animal or bird may not be used as an aid to hunt.

600 Foot Buffer: Hunting is prohibited anywhere signs are posted stating "No Hunting” as well as within 600 feet of homes, roads, fishing piers, outlet structures, farm and ranch yards, and the boundary of developed parks.

Hunting Blinds: Natural hunting blinds made of loose materials or portable blinds are authorized for hunting deer or waterfowl. No standing vegetation, live or dead, may be cut for any purpose. Hunting blinds may not be built in, nailed or screwed to trees. Tree stands are restricted to portable, non-bark penetrating types only. All blinds must have hunter’s name, date of installation, address and phone number written legibly and placed at the entry point of the blind in an obvious location. Blinds must be removed at the end of each hunters 2 week permit . Screw in or nail in tree steps and spikes are prohibited.

Sport Chasing/Hunting with Dogs/Trapping: Sport chasing and hunting with dogs is strictly PROHIBITED on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property. All dogs on USACE property at Benbrook Lake must be kept on a leash under 6 ft in length per Title 36, 327.11a. All hunting areas are multiuse recreation areas and must abide by this regulation. Trapping or snaring game or furbearers is PROHIBITED.

Legal Game / Seasons: Dove, quail, squirrel, rabbit, waterfowl, turkey, whitetail deer, and feral hog. Hunting seasons and bag limits are determined by the State of Texas for Tarrant County. All state hunting laws apply on Corps of Engineers managed lands. Furbearers and non-game species may not be hunted or taken.

Camping: Camping is not allowed within the hunting areas or at access points. Camping is available only in designated campsites at public parks at Benbrook Lake.

Vehicles / Parking: All vehicles must be parked at the designated access points identified on the map or at a boat ramp if accessing the area by boat. Vehicles should not be parked blocking gates. It is a violation of Federal regulations to drive a vehicle through, around or beyond a restrictive sign, recognizable barricade, fence, or traffic control barrier. Use of off-road vehicles is prohibited in hunting areas. Unauthorized use of vehicles or ATV’s may constitute trespassing and/or revocation of hunting permit.

Reporting: Each permitted hunter must complete and return a hunter activity survey , no later than March 1st, to the Benbrook Lake project office. This survey will be used to compile harvest data.

Violations: Violators of any of these provisions are subject to a fine and/or loss of hunting privileges. By accepting a hunter registration card, hunters agree that they have been furnished a copy of and understand this policy and agree to comply with it and all applicable state hunting laws. All hunters are asked not to litter the hunting area.

Information: Additional information may be obtained by calling the Benbrook Lake Office at 817-292-2400. This condensed hunting policy statement may not be all-inclusive. If a specific question or situation is not addressed here, contact the Benbrook Lake Office for more information or clarification.

Our Philosophy

It is the Policy of the Corps of Engineers to provide the public with safe, healthful and varied outdoor recreation opportunities; promote the enhancement of fish and wildlife resources; protect endangered species and their habitats, assure aesthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; maintain an environment which supports diversity; and strive for a balance between public use and maintenance of a quality environment.

OUR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GOAL is to ensure the conservation, preservation, protection, and enhancement of those resources so present and future generations may use and enjoy them.

STEWARDSHIP (Management) of forest, range, wetland, and park vegetation resources is essential to achieve these goals. Lake and adjacent lands are managed to provide for clean water, erosion control, wildlife, timber, aesthetics, and recreation. Habitat diversity is a cornerstone of our stewardship program.

PUBLIC HUNTING is utilized by the Corps of Engineers as a management tool to obtain our natural resource goal while providing recreational opportunities to the public. There are approximately 148,000 acres of Corps of Engineers lands and water available to hunt in Fort Worth District.

The CORPS PUBLIC HUNTING PROGRAM continues to evolve based on input from the public and as the State of Texas Laws and Regulations change for their hunting program. Changes to the Corps hunting program are made in an effort to provide the best possible cost efficient and safe public hunting opportunity while continuing to preserve our natural resources.

The STRENGTH of our Public Hunting Program is its DIVERSITY. Each hunting program is developed at the lake site in close coordination with Texas Parks and Wildlife Biologists to achieve our management goals. Restrictions placed on the hunter are necessitated by reason of public health, public safety, maintenance, conservation of our Natural Resources, and/or to provide a safer hunt to the hunter. For further information about your hunting opportunities, please call or write the hunting coordinator at the lake of your choice.

Wear your life jacket