Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Service to the Military
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will waive all day use and camping fees for active service personnel and DoD civilians on mid or post deployment (reintegration) leave from duty in a hostile fire zone such as Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and other deployments to support the Global War on Terror. The intent is to recognize the selfless service of these individuals to our nation and the world.
Active service personnel and DoD civilians on leave will be required to show identification and leave orders upon arrival at the campgrounds to obtain the waiver. The waiver Will also apply to all family members accompanying them on their visit. The waiver will be applied to I daily use fees and camping fees. Fees will be waived on a walk-up and space available basis, as well as for reservations through the National Recreation Reservation Service call center. Camping and day use fees, however, will not be waived for on-line reservations made through
Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services and Gold Star Families can obtain a free lifetime pass for access to day use areas at USACE-managed sites. To see the news release, Click here.
State, local and other managing entities of recreation areas located on Corps lands are encouraged, but are not required, to comply with this waiver of fees in the areas they manage.
Please contact the lake office by telephone at (817)292-2400 if further information is needed.