Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Volunteer News and Events
Leave a legacy by volunteering to preserve recreation and natural resources at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lakes!
Anyone can volunteer at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facilities:
Scout units, civic organizations, local businesses, youth centers, school groups, retirees and more . All of these volunteers assist us in building and maintaining our recreational facilities as well as developing natural areas where animals and plants can thrive.If you're interested in any of the short-term volunteer opportunities listed below, then please call (469) 645-9100 or click here to e-mail the Lewisville Lake volunteer coordinator. If you're interested in a long-term volunteer opportunity then please click here .
Upcoming Volunteer Events
Volunteer News
October 14, 2020: Lewisville Lake Fisheries Project
On October 14th, 2020, Lewisville Lake Park Rangers, USACE volunteers, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Inland Fisheries crew met at Westlake Park to put together 30 artificial fishery structures. The fishery structures consist of PVC and perforated and corrugated drainpipe. The structures themselves are 3 feet tall and 6 feet long and consist of 100 foot long segments of drainpipe. USACE volunteers aided in pre-cutting PVC sections, and assembling the structures according to layouts provided by TPWD. All the structures were built and will be deployed at a later date. Overall, the building of the structures is just a small part of the Lewisville Lake Fisheries project, but ultimately allows the Corps to continue being environmental stewards and increase recreational opportunities.
February 4, 2020: Volunteers Replace Park Sign
On February 4th, 2020, our winter months at Lake Lewisville usually allow our ranger staff to spend more time with our volunteers in order to get many of the larger projects completed that can not be finished during our busier recreational seasons. Our volunteers and rangers met at Big Sandy Park located in Shady Shores to ensure our new entrance sign is mounted correctly and meets all sign requirements. Our Volunteers work industriously to ensure all of our park visitors will have an exciting and enjoyable place to come and recreate with their families and yours.