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Discount Passes
The Corps of Engineers accepts the Golden Age and Golden Access passports and the America the Beautiful Senior and Access passes as valid for discounts for camping fees. No other documentation will be accepted as proof of age or disability for the purpose of receiving discounts at Corps of Engineers parks.
As of January 1, 2007, Golden Age or Golden Access passports can no longer be issued. Existing passports may still be used until they are lost, defaced or stolen. Lost, destroyed, or unreadable Golden Age/Access cards must be replaced with the new America the Beautiful passes, which must be obtained from a participating federal agency (US Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Managment, and the Bureau of Reclamation). The US Army Corps of Engineers is currently not authorized to sell the America the Beautiful Discount Passes.
Click here for more information on the America the Beautiful Interagency Pass Program.