Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Invasive Species
The biggest threat currently to local lakes is the spread of Zebra Mussels . Please take steps to "Clean, Drain, Dry" your boat before moving between different bodies of water to help stop the spread of this costly invasive species. Click here for more information.
Every year non-native species are introduced into the United States through accidental import. Many of these species such as Zebra Mussels, Argentine ants, Fire ants, Rasberry Crazy Ants and Hydrilla become an invasive nuisance causing destruction for homeowners, ranchers, farmers and natural ecosystems. Invasive species can accidentally be transported through camping equipment, watercraft, and plants. You can help stop the spread by becoming aware of potential invasive species and by taking steps to ensure you don’t transport any with you.
Other links containing more information on invasive species: