Fort Worth District
Lakes and Recreation Menu
Hunting at Lake O' The Pines
2024-2025 Fort Worth District Hunting Guide
For the Lake O' the Pines Mobile Hunting Map, scan the QR code below with your smart phone.
To access the Lake O' the Pines Mobile Hunting Map on your computer, click HERE
Lake O’ The Pines offers 4,500 acres of federally owned property for excellent hunting opportunities. In addition, Lake O’ the Pines covers 18,700 water surface acres which provides some of the best waterfowl hunting habitat in East Texas. No permit is required to hunt, but all rules must be followed to ensure the safety of all our visitors. Some of the legal game found on Lake O’ The Pines include: White-Tailed Deer, Eastern Wild Turkey, Squirrel, Feral Hogs, and many species of waterfowl. Currently three all weather hunting access roads have been constructed encompassing approximately five miles. These three roads: Lone Star, Alley Creek and South Dam access have been constructed to provide vehicle access into some of the best hunting habitat available. The roads are closed to vehicle traffic from 15 January – 15 September, opened during hunting seasons only.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Lake O' The Pines Project Office
Camp/Harrison/ Marion/Morris/Upshur
4,500 acres
Corps Permit
Not Required
Legal Game
Mourning dove, bobwhite quail, squirrel, rabbit, waterfowl, feral hogs, white-tailed deer, and eastern wild turkey.
As published in the Texas Outdoor Annual for these counties.
Muzzleloaders and Crossbows
Special Restrictions
Rifle hunting for deer or feral hogs is only authorized for hunting areas south of the dam and west of Cypress Creek and for hunting areas north of Highway 155. For all other areas, hunting for deer or feral hogs is restricted to shotguns with slugs, muzzle loading rifles, and legal archery equipment. Hunters (and anyone accompanying the hunter) must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange material (144 square inches on both chest and back) when hunting and are also required to wear some type of orange head wear. Hunters exempt from this requirement are: persons hunting deer/turkey/feral hog during the archery only season, persons hunting squirrels outside of the deer firearms season, and persons hunting turkey, waterfowl, or migratory birds (except dove hunters during concurrent hunts for quail). Subject to certain restrictions, permits to use all terrain vehicles (ATVs) at the hunting area south of the dam and west of Cypress Creek will be available for persons with a “permanent, ambulatory disability” and permits will be available beginning 08 September 2008. ATV rider certification (available at ATV dealers) is also required to qualify for an ATV permit. Anterless deer may be harvested only during archery season. Tree stands are restricted to portable non-bark penetrating stands only. They are only to be left for periods of 72 consecutive hours or less and must be clearly marked with the owner’s name, address, telephone number, and date of placement. All hunting is prohibited from 1 June through 31 August.PLEASE NOTE THIS CHANGE FROM THE FORT WORTH DISTRICT 2019-2020 HUNTING GUIDE: Due to a special white-tailed deer hunting event held for physically challenged hunters, the hunting area south of the dam and west of Cypress Creek will be closed to all other users from 15 November 2019 through 17 November 2019. Please contact the lake office for additional information.
2669 FM 726
Jefferson, TX 75657-4635
Office (903) 665-2336